Morgantown High School Band
109 Wilson Avenue, Morgantown WV 26505

Incoming Freshmen Frequently Asked Questions
Does everyone have to march?
Yes. At Morgantown High School, Band is a co-curricular class, meaning we are graded on what we do during the school day as well as the extra-curricular component (concerts, marching season, etc.).
Where can I find a Summer Band schedule?
The 2023 Summer Schedule will be found on MHS Band Website.
Do I have to attend Summer Band and Band Camp?
Yes. All students must attend summer band rehearsals and attend Band Camp. All high school and middle school students were informed of the summer band schedule and information about Band Camp can be found on our website.
We do allow for conflicts such as vacations, camps, students living with different parents during the summer months, as well as other reasons, but all students MUST inform the directors of any absences BEFORE they take place or they risk being removed from the roster.
Band Camp Fee $420, Uniform Fee $50, Instrument Rental Fee $25 (if needed)
(prices subject to change year-to-year)
What if I play a fall sport can I still participate in Band?
We recommend that all students who play fall sports march in the field show. Most students who participate in the field show report that it is more fun, fewer rehearsals, and less of a time constraint than they had expected or heard from friends (nearly all of whom have never marched in a field show).
We are flexible with schedule conflicts and will help you to find solutions so that you can participate in both Band and your fall sport.
If I play a fall sport, do I have to attend band camp?
Yes, you need to be at band camp to learn the music and drill. This is one of the few times we have to work with specific instructors in small group settings, so it really is imperative.
Can I be in Band and participate in other activities?
Each year, rumors circulate that students can't be in band and participate in certain activities. These rumors NEVER come from the band. While we can't speak for any other coach or activity sponsor, the band directors make every effort to include all students who are interested.
While there may be some activities whose schedules are more difficult to schedule around than others, the directors will almost never say that students can't participate in band if they participate in other activities.
What class do I sign up for?
For most incoming freshmen, the answer is Freshman Band. Students typically audition for Symphonic Band.
Jazz Ensemble require teacher permission (from Mr. Hyskell).
When does marching band rehearse once school has started?
At the start of school, we rehearse Monday and Thursday evenings from either 6-8pm or 7-9pm, depending at what venue we are practicing at. After our Band Spectacular at the end of September, we move the rehearsals to Monday and Thursdays after school until 4:00 pm.
As the season progresses, we will cut back on practices as we are able.
What if I have more questions?
E-mail Mr. Hyskell at